Articles on: API

Employee API


Supported Formats: XML
API Key: Generated in the app configuration
Method: Get , Post

User Management

Get All Users

The Get All Users endpoint allows you to retrieve the full list of employees registered within the system.


Get Users Filtered by Parameters

employeeLoginstringThe login of the employee.
firstNamestringThe first name of the employee.
lastNamestringThe last name of the employee.
activebooleanIndicates whether the employee is active.
userIdstringA unique, admin-modifiable ID of the employee (not the system generated ID).
cardIdstringThe card ID of the employee
positionstringThe employee’s position.
birthdaystringThe employee’s birthdate (format: yyyy-mm-dd).
workCalendarstringThe name of the employee’s work calendar
projectstringThe name of the project employee is assigned to
activitystringThe name of the activity
managerstringThe name of the employee’s manager.
organizationUnitstringThe name of the organization unit.
getSubOUEmployeebooleanWhen set to true, this retrieves employees from sub-organizational units. The default value is false.


Create New User

API Input CodeRole Name
projectAdminProject Administrator
HrAdminHR Administrator
HrJuniorHR Manager
HrReadOnlyAssistant HR Manager
LineManagerLine Manager
ProjectManagerProject Manager
ProjectManagerJuniorAssistant Project Manager

Parameter Min Max Required Information
User ID1100No
Organization Unit--NoValid XPHR value
Employee Group Code--NoValid XPHR value
Employee Group Name--NoValid XPHR value
Mobile AppFalseTrueNo
First Name149Yes
Last Name150Yes
State Code--NoValid XPHR value
State Name--NoValid XPHR value
Country Name--YesValid XPHR value
Birth DateCurrent Date - 100 yearsCurrent DateNoxml date & time format
Billing Rate--No
E-mail-150YesValid email address
Card Number0255Must be unique
Time TrackingFalseTrueNo
Tracking Type16No
Default Project Code--NoValid XPHR value
Default Project Name--NoValid XPHR value
Default Activity Name--NoValid XPHR value
Cost UnitHourlyMonthlyNo
Cost Value--No
Work Calendar Code--Yes / NoValid XPHR value
Work Calendar Name--Yes / NoValid XPHR value
Work Calendar Start Date--Yes / No
Project Admin--No
HR AdminOrg. Unit Name-NoValid XPHR value
Line ManagerOrg. Unit Name-NoValid XPHR value
Project ManagerProject Name-NoValid XPHR value
Absence Type Code--NoValid XPHR value
Absence Type Name--NoValid XPHR value
Absence Limit Year--No
Absence Limit Value0-No
Cost Center Assignment - Code--NoValid XPHR value
Cost Center Assignment - Valid FromNoRequired when assigning a Cost Center

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

Attendance Tracking Types: 1 = NFC, 2 = Clock In/Out, 3 = Interval, 4 - WiFi, 5 = NFC + Clock In/Out, 6 = NFC + Clock In/Out + Wifi

Work Calendar Code, Name, and Start Date are required when creating new employees. For updates, these values are not required.


Update User

This endpoint allows you to update the information of an existing employee.


Error Handling

Common errors help in debugging and correcting API usage issues.

Example 1: Invalid Work Calendar
<error>Invalid work calendar</error>

Example 2: Missing Required Email Field
<error>E-mail: Required item</error>

Example 3: Unknown Attendance Tracking Type
<error>Unknown Attendance Tracking Type</error>

HTTP Response Codes

2XX Success - Operation completed successfully.
4XX Client Error - Likely an issue with the request, such as incorrect parameters or insufficient permissions. Returns an error message in text or XML format.
5XX Server Error - Indicates a server issue. Report this error if encountered.

Updated on: 07/02/2025

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