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Calendar Settings

To set up the working calendar, follow these steps:
Work calendars
Create a new one by clicking on the large + icon

Settings - Work Calendars

Individual parameters:

Template - Use if you want to create multiple similar work calendars to make your work easier.
Name - Choose a suitable name for the working calendar.
Code - Used for identification during imports/exports.
Active - Check to activate the work calendar.
Flexible Working Days - Check if the employee does not have fixed hours and their shifts will be scheduled by the manager using the shift planner or schedule import.
Anchor Date - Select a Monday in the past to let the system know which day the work week begins.
Period duration - By default, the period is 7 days (Mon-Fri), but for other timesheets the period can be different (e.g. short-long week, period 14 days).
Overnight Work Day Type - If the work extends into the next day, the payroll decision may depend on the initial day of work or be split between two days.
Work on Holidays - Check if a holiday counts as a normal workday without premium pay or overtime.
Flexible In/Out - When checked, you can specify tolerated in and outs (in minutes). This means that if an employee beeps before that time, they will not be late and also will not receive a notification of tardiness to their supervisor.
In combination with the selected "Rounding Type - Shift Start / End", it is possible to set flexible rounding for clock-ins and clock-outs. The picture on the left shows an example where an employee logged in at 7:42 and the system rounded this value to 8:00. If the employee had logged in before 7:40 or after 8:20, the clock-in rounding would not have been applied. In the picture on the right, you can see that the employee logged out at 4:51 p.m. and the clock-out rounding was not applied to that value, creating overtime.

Flexibility, Clock-ins and Clock-outs

Combined Rounding - When checked, you can select a different type of rounding for arrivals and departures.
Rounding Rule - Most common - None or Shifts Start/End, if you require a custom rounding type please contact our support.
Ignored Break Duration - The Ignored Break Duration represents the time that is considered to be worked if the employee's break length does not exceed this amount of time.
Timesheet Type - Monthly or Weekly, or a custom period timesheet can be created.
Automatic OUT after - Select the hour after which to automatically sign the employee out if they forget to sign off.
Notification After Start - SMS notification to the employee.
Notify Employee After - If it is necessary to notify the employee to stop working / take a break.
Break Type - Select the type of break between Manual and Automatic (Duration, Interval, After Minutes) and then fill it in for each day below.

Breaks in the week

Weekly Duty - Select the number of hours to be worked by the employee.
Absence Day Type - For regular calendars use the Weekly Duty/5 option, for irregular calendars use the From calendar option (the length of the absence is calculated according to the length of the shift on the given day), or it is possible to define the duration of the absences by value.

Updated on: 27/05/2024

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