Create a new Time Off Type
To create a new absence type, follow these steps:
Time off types
Large plus icon

Name - This field is mandatory. Enter the full name of the time off type (e.g., Vacation, Sick Leave).
Short Name - This field is mandatory. Enter a short or abbreviated name for the time off type.
Pay Code - Enter the pay code associated with this time off type if applicable.
Note - Enter any additional notes or descriptions related to this time off type.
Accrual - Check this box if the time off type should accrue over time.
Convert Overtime to Time Off - Check this box if overtime hours can be converted to this type of time off.
Unit - This field is mandatory. Select the unit of measurement for the time off (e.g., day, hour).
Paid Time Off - Check this box if this type of time off is paid.
Non-deductible Time Off Type - Check this box if the time off type should not be deducted from the employee's balance.
Annual Allowance (in days) - This field is mandatory. Enter the total number of days allowed for this time off type annually.
Period Limit - Check this box if there is a limit to the number of times this time off type can be taken in a specific period.
Count Time Off in Working Days - Check this box if the time off should be counted only on working days.
Annual Balance Starts Each - This field is mandatory. Select the month when the annual balance for this time off type resets.
Enable PTO Carryover Capping - Check this box if there is a limit to the amount of time off that can be carried over to the next year.
Carryover Limit - Enter the maximum number of days that can be carried over if PTO carryover capping is enabled.
Expires In - Enter the number of days after which the carried over time off will expire.
Enable Negative Time Off Balance - Check this box if employees are allowed to have a negative balance for this time off type.
Allow Daily Duty Overflow - Check this box if employees can use this time off type for daily duty overflow.
Does Not Need Approval - Check this box if this time off type does not require approval from a manager.
Allow Employee to Cancel Approved Time Off - Check this box if employees are allowed to cancel approved time off of this type.
Visible to HR Manager Only - Check this box if only HR managers should see this time off type.
Show in Summary - Check this box if this time off type should be included in the summary reports.
Country - Select the country where this time off type is applicable.
State - Select the state or region where this time off type is applicable.
Active - Check this box if the time off type is currently active and can be used.
Mandatory Attachment - Check this box if an attachment (e.g., medical certificate) is required when applying for this time off type.
Add Downloadable Formular - Check this box if you want to provide a downloadable form that employees can fill out when requesting this type of time off.
Allow HR to Adjust - Check this box if HR managers are allowed to adjust the balance or details of this time off type.

Time off types
Large plus icon

Individual parameters:
Name - This field is mandatory. Enter the full name of the time off type (e.g., Vacation, Sick Leave).
Short Name - This field is mandatory. Enter a short or abbreviated name for the time off type.
Pay Code - Enter the pay code associated with this time off type if applicable.
Note - Enter any additional notes or descriptions related to this time off type.
Accrual - Check this box if the time off type should accrue over time.
Convert Overtime to Time Off - Check this box if overtime hours can be converted to this type of time off.
Unit - This field is mandatory. Select the unit of measurement for the time off (e.g., day, hour).
Paid Time Off - Check this box if this type of time off is paid.
Non-deductible Time Off Type - Check this box if the time off type should not be deducted from the employee's balance.
Annual Allowance (in days) - This field is mandatory. Enter the total number of days allowed for this time off type annually.
Period Limit - Check this box if there is a limit to the number of times this time off type can be taken in a specific period.
Count Time Off in Working Days - Check this box if the time off should be counted only on working days.
Annual Balance Starts Each - This field is mandatory. Select the month when the annual balance for this time off type resets.
Enable PTO Carryover Capping - Check this box if there is a limit to the amount of time off that can be carried over to the next year.
Carryover Limit - Enter the maximum number of days that can be carried over if PTO carryover capping is enabled.
Expires In - Enter the number of days after which the carried over time off will expire.
Enable Negative Time Off Balance - Check this box if employees are allowed to have a negative balance for this time off type.
Allow Daily Duty Overflow - Check this box if employees can use this time off type for daily duty overflow.
Does Not Need Approval - Check this box if this time off type does not require approval from a manager.
Allow Employee to Cancel Approved Time Off - Check this box if employees are allowed to cancel approved time off of this type.
Visible to HR Manager Only - Check this box if only HR managers should see this time off type.
Show in Summary - Check this box if this time off type should be included in the summary reports.
Country - Select the country where this time off type is applicable.
State - Select the state or region where this time off type is applicable.
Active - Check this box if the time off type is currently active and can be used.
Mandatory Attachment - Check this box if an attachment (e.g., medical certificate) is required when applying for this time off type.
Add Downloadable Formular - Check this box if you want to provide a downloadable form that employees can fill out when requesting this type of time off.
Allow HR to Adjust - Check this box if HR managers are allowed to adjust the balance or details of this time off type.

Updated on: 13/06/2024
Thank you!