Organizational structure
1. Org. structure overview
- On the Home page, click Settings.
- You'll see the App settings page.
- Select Legal entities in the menu on the left and click on the tree icon to open the organizational structure detail (Figure 1)

2. Editing org. structure
To create a new org. unit, follow these steps:
Click the parent org. unit
Click on Add
Fill in the name and confirm by clicking on OK (Figure 2, 3)

Click the org. unit to change its name or color. (Figure 4)
Color palette and the Drag&Drop function allow you to customize the structure during organizational changes in the company.

3. Deleting org. units
To delete an organizational unit, highlight the unit and click on the Delete button (Figure 5)

Note: An entity cannot be deleted if active or inactive employees are assigned to it, as well as if they are assigned a role associated with the unit.
Updated on: 19/09/2023
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