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Timesheet Approvals

XperienceHR provides an enterprise-level approval process of monthly timesheets. For this process to work correctly, the company organizational chart must be created by setting the employee user roles and employee managers in the Configuration -> Employees.

The monthly approval process has three stages:

1. Submitting the time sheet by Employee

Each employee is required to Submit their time sheet when the month is over.
To see the list of all the Timesheets Navigate in the main menu Home -> Timesheets, or from your Dashboard.

List of Timesheets

Clicking the yellow Edit pencil or the timesheet starting date opens the timesheet detail page.
The monthly timesheet details can be reviewed and modified on this page, Then submitted by clicking the 'Submit' button.

Employee Timesheet Detail

Note: The employee is not able to add or delete work or absences once the timesheet has been submitted.

2. Approving timesheets by Manager

Managers are required to approve the monthly timesheets of their employees.

In the List of Timesheets, managers can see not only their own timesheets, but all the timesheets of their subordinates.

List of Timesheet - manager

Note: The manager can not approve a monthly time sheet if that month contains absence requests that have not been either approved or declined, or if the previous month's time sheet has not been yet been approved.

3. Closing the timesheets

Employee with the HR manager/admin role is required to close all the company time sheets.

In the timesheet list, the HR can close the timesheet in bulk by using the checkboxes and close button, or close the timesheets one by one by opening the detail page and clicking the close button.

List of timesheets - HR Admin

Updated on: 13/10/2023

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