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Employee roles - Line Manager

After creating the Organizational Structure, you can set the individual organizational units to their Line Manager via Employee Settings.

In the main menu, click on Employees.
Use the filters to search for a specific employee and view the Employee Detail.


Select Employee Roles.
In the Line Manager section, select the organizational unit to which the employee is to be managed.
Confirm by clicking the icon.

Employee roles

Now the employee is manager of all employees in lower organisational units and is also the direct superior of the employee within that organisational unit.

It is necessary that the supervisor is not included in the organisational unit he is in charge of in order to avoid a situation where he is in charge of himself.

Org. Structure & Line Manager

Green - shows the organizational unit to which the employee is assigned
Red - shows the organisational unit to which the employee is a manager, with all employees assigned to this unit being his/her direct subordinates
Blue - shows the organisational units to which the employee is manager

You can use the Drag&Drop feature to move organizational units

To change the Line Manager of an organizational unit, delete the employee's manager role by clicking on the trash can icon and follow the instructions again.

Delete a role

Updated on: 16/10/2023

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