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Settings General

In this tab, you can see and edit general settings of your company XperienceHR account.

Please note that fields which are required to be filled in are marked with asterisks (*).

Language - From the drop down menu, select a language for your XperienceHR.

Show name - From the drop down menu, select a name displaying format.

Table rows per page (*) - Fill in the number or row per page for every table in your company XperienceHR. Note that 2 is the minimal number of rows.

Use custom footer in notification emails - If checked, you are presented with one field per language. Fill in these fields with custom footers, which will be used in automated notification emails.

Allow employees to change their template - If checked, your employees will be able to change their template.

Allow substitute change? - If checked, employees are able to set and change a substitute for them. Setting and changing a substitute is done in My settings.

Show support menu - If checked, the support menu is visible and located under login in the right upper corner of the screen.

Show Live Chat menu - If checked, the Live Chat menu is visible and located under the Quick Help button.

Default page - From the drop down menu, select the page which you wish to see after logging into the XperienceHR.

Time format - From the drop down menu, select the desired time format.

Time zone - From the drop down menu, select the timezone which your company operates in.

Currency - From the drop down menu, select currency which you wish to work within your company XperienceHR account.

Logo - Here, you can see the logo currently used as your company logo in XperienceHR.
To change the logo, upload a new one by clicking the Choose file button, select the desired image file stored on your computer and click the Save button.
To delete the logo, click the Delete button and your company logo will be reset to the default XperienceHR logo.

Company information - Fill in the name(*) and the address, where your company resides.

Template - Choose the template for your company's XperienceHR account.

Once you filled in all the required fields and are satisfied with all the settings, click the Save button.

Updated on: 13/10/2023

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