Settings Time Off Types - New Time Off Type
Please note that fields that are required to be filled in are marked with asterisks (*).
Name (*) - Give a new time off a proper name.
Short Name (*) - This will be displayed in various reports where the full name can not fit.
Pay Code - This will be internal information and will be displayed on the time off the report.
Note - Here, you can leave a short description of the time off you are creating.
Convert overtime to time off - If checked, overtime of your employees will be converted to this type of time off.
Note that checking this box disables Unit, Paid Time Off, and Non-deductible Time Off type settings.
Unit (*) - From the drop-down menu, you can choose a unit in which the time off will be assessed.
Paid Time Off - If checked, employees will receive a salary for the time spent on this type of time off.
Non-deductible Time Off type - If checked, this type of time off will not be limited by the annual allowance and therefore will be appropriate for specific cases (e.g. prolonged sickness leave, maternity leave, etc.).
Annual Allowance (in days) (required) - Fill in the number of days of the time off, employees will be entitled to throughout the year.
Count time off in working days - If checked, time off will be assessed ONLY during working days (meaning, if your employee is entitled to have time off hours/days counted also during the weekends, do not check this box).
Annual balance starts each (*) - From the drop-down menu, you can select the month which will mark the start of the yearly balance (e.g. Annual Allowance will be reset).
Enable PTO Carryover capping - By checking this box, you will allow PTO (paid time off) carryover limit and have to specify its behavior conditions in the fields below.
Carryover Limit Days (required) - In this field, you have to specify how many days of PTO will be carried over through the annual balance.
Expires in - You can choose whether to make PTO carryover capping with expiration and also pick the month of expiration or without expiration.
Enable negative Time Off Balance - By checking this box, you will allow your employees to ask for this type of time off despite having no time offs available.
Does not need approval - By checking this box, you will allow your employees to take this type of time off without any approval from a manager.
Allow employees to cancel approved Time Off - By checking this box, you will allow your employees to cancel their requests for this type of time off which have been approved.
Visible to HR manager only - If checked, this type of time off will be visible and accessible only to HR managers.
Show in summary - By checking this box, you will make this type of time off appear in the Time Off / List of Time Off tab in the Summary of Time Off.
Country - Select a country in which this type of time off will be accessible.
State - Select a state in which this type of time off will be accessible.
Eligible for food vouchers - If checked, employees on this type of time off will be eligible to have food vouchers counted as if they were working.
Active? - by checking/unchecking this box, you will make this type of time off active/inactive.
Once you fill in all the mandatory fields and set up a new type of time off to your needs, click the Save button at the bottom and the new type of time off will be created.
Name (*) - Give a new time off a proper name.
Short Name (*) - This will be displayed in various reports where the full name can not fit.
Pay Code - This will be internal information and will be displayed on the time off the report.
Note - Here, you can leave a short description of the time off you are creating.
Convert overtime to time off - If checked, overtime of your employees will be converted to this type of time off.
Note that checking this box disables Unit, Paid Time Off, and Non-deductible Time Off type settings.
Unit (*) - From the drop-down menu, you can choose a unit in which the time off will be assessed.
Paid Time Off - If checked, employees will receive a salary for the time spent on this type of time off.
Non-deductible Time Off type - If checked, this type of time off will not be limited by the annual allowance and therefore will be appropriate for specific cases (e.g. prolonged sickness leave, maternity leave, etc.).
Annual Allowance (in days) (required) - Fill in the number of days of the time off, employees will be entitled to throughout the year.
Count time off in working days - If checked, time off will be assessed ONLY during working days (meaning, if your employee is entitled to have time off hours/days counted also during the weekends, do not check this box).
Annual balance starts each (*) - From the drop-down menu, you can select the month which will mark the start of the yearly balance (e.g. Annual Allowance will be reset).
Enable PTO Carryover capping - By checking this box, you will allow PTO (paid time off) carryover limit and have to specify its behavior conditions in the fields below.
Carryover Limit Days (required) - In this field, you have to specify how many days of PTO will be carried over through the annual balance.
Expires in - You can choose whether to make PTO carryover capping with expiration and also pick the month of expiration or without expiration.
Enable negative Time Off Balance - By checking this box, you will allow your employees to ask for this type of time off despite having no time offs available.
Does not need approval - By checking this box, you will allow your employees to take this type of time off without any approval from a manager.
Allow employees to cancel approved Time Off - By checking this box, you will allow your employees to cancel their requests for this type of time off which have been approved.
Visible to HR manager only - If checked, this type of time off will be visible and accessible only to HR managers.
Show in summary - By checking this box, you will make this type of time off appear in the Time Off / List of Time Off tab in the Summary of Time Off.
Country - Select a country in which this type of time off will be accessible.
State - Select a state in which this type of time off will be accessible.
Eligible for food vouchers - If checked, employees on this type of time off will be eligible to have food vouchers counted as if they were working.
Active? - by checking/unchecking this box, you will make this type of time off active/inactive.
Once you fill in all the mandatory fields and set up a new type of time off to your needs, click the Save button at the bottom and the new type of time off will be created.
Updated on: 19/09/2023
Thank you!