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Timesheet Page

Timesheet is a page where you can find all the records you or your employees have tracked during the set timesheet period.
This page is different for managers and employees. Managers can leave feedback for employees and employees can write their achievements during the period, which managers will then be able to read when closing the timesheet.

Employee view

First thing an employee sees on the Timesheet page is manager’s feedback in the form of emoticons, with ratings ranging from “Much less than expected” to “Greatly exceeds expectations”. When the manager has not provided feedback, only a question mark is shown.
In the My Achievements section, an employee can write down what he has accomplished during the period. Manager will then be able to read these achievements.
In the Manager's Feedback section employees can read manager’s notes on his performance during the period. Use the Save button after you are done with writing.
In the Month section employees can see the overview of all tracked records. There is a legend underneath explaining all colors for Worked time, Attendance, Absences etc. All weeks and and days are clickable elements of this page, where clicking on each day reveals daily records. Further clicking on the daily attendance record will show its details.

Manager view

Use the interactive slider to give employee feedback on his performance with 5 available ratings. Employee will be then able to see this rating as well.
In Employee Achievements you can read what an employee has submitted as his accomplishments during the period.
In Employee Feedback you can write your comments on an employee's performance which the employee will then be able to read.
In Performance Notes you can write your notes on employee’s performance which only you and other managers will be able to see.
Use the Save button after you have finished giving performance feedback.

Updated on: 19/09/2023

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